Congratulations to Richard on His Distinction in ABRSM Piano, Performance Grade 5 Exam!

I am thrilled to share the fantastic news that my pupil, Richard, has achieved a Distinction in his ABRSM Piano, Performance Grade 5 exam. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to Richard’s hard work, dedication, and musical talent.

Richard’s performance was evaluated across several pieces, each showcasing his skill and artistry:

  1. Beethoven: Bagatelle in G minor, Op. 119 No. 1
    Richard delivered a stylish performance with good rhythmical flow. His hands were well-balanced and synchronised, and his phrasing was dynamic and expressive.
  2. Kabalevsky: Scherzo (No. 14 from 30 Children’s Pieces, Op. 27)
    Richard played delicately and tenderly, capturing the mood beautifully. Despite a slight loss of hand synchronicity, his rhythm and note security remained strong.
  3. Chee-Hwa Tan: Jester’s Jig (No. 7 from A Royal Birthday Celebration: Suite in Baroque Style)
    With a bright tempo and a strong character, Richard shaped the music musically with just one minor note slip.
  4. Bernadette Marmion: Wind in the Willows (from Allsorts)
    This piece flowed gracefully at a well-chosen tempo, creating a stylish and lilting feel. Richard’s judicious use of pedal sustaining added warmth and ended the piece beautifully.

Summing up the performance as a whole, Richard demonstrated a clear sense of performance through effective framing and pacing of his programme. His ability to differentiate each piece and meet the challenges reliably was commendable.

Richard’s score secured him a Distinction, a recognition of his exceptional musical abilities.

I am incredibly proud of Richard’s achievement and look forward to seeing his continued growth and success in his musical journey. Congratulations, Richard! Bravo!

If you would like to take your very first piano lesson or add to your existing piano education, please book a lesson with me today, you can book online.