I am thrilled to announce that Erin, one of my talented piano students, has achieved a remarkable distinction in her recent ABRSM Piano Performance Grade 4 exam. Erin’s dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and I couldn’t be prouder of her outstanding achievement.

Let’s delve into the examiner’s insightful feedback, which provides a detailed analysis of Erin’s performance:

Pescetti: Presto (3rd movt from Sonata No. 6 in C minor)
Erin delivered a technically efficient performance with tidy enunciation. The examiner noted her capacity for increased dancing buoyancy and suggested a lighter touch and more pronounced dynamic colouring. Despite this, Erin displayed commendable dexterity throughout the piece.

Valerie Capers: Billie’s Song (No. 7 from Portraits in Jazz)
Her rendition of “Billie’s Song” was accurate and fluent, showcasing well-managed legato pedalling. The examiner suggested employing a more nuanced dynamic range to enhance the overall warmth of tone and capture the sultry laid-back mood.

F. Price: Ticklin’ Toes
Erin’s performance of “Ticklin’ Toes” was described as cheery and technically assured. While the dynamic contrasts could have been more boldly expressed, her delivery was suitably upbeat and conveyed the jaunty ‘cakewalk’ style effectively.

Nevada: Ninette’s Musette (No. 5 from Romantic Impressions)
Despite brief moments of hesitation, Erin’s rendition of “Ninette’s Musette” was accurate and technically fluent. The examiner praised her consistent touch and tone, as well as the musical elegance and flow she maintained throughout.

Performance as a whole
Erin presented a varied programme with successful sequencing and pacing, overcoming the technical demands admirably. While some pieces could have benefitted from further differentiation of character and style, Erin conveyed an overall sense of commitment and personal musical involvement, earning her a well-deserved distinction.

Final Assessment
Erin’s distinction reflects her exceptional performance across all pieces. With this distinction, she has demonstrated not only her technical proficiency but also her musicality and dedication to her craft.

I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Erin on this outstanding accomplishment. Her success is a testament to her talent and hard work, and I look forward to witnessing her continued growth and achievements in her musical journey.

If you would like to take your very first piano lesson or add to your existing piano education, please book a lesson with me today, you can book online.