Are you curious about what happens during your very first piano lesson? Perhaps you think the piano is a difficult instrument to learn, there are a lot of keys on the keyboard after all. Here I will give you some tips to follow before your first lesson and try to give you flavour of what to expect during the lesson.

Preparation Tips

The first thing you need to do is not be nervous. Learning to play the piano opens up your world to an amazing array of music. I had a first lesson once and fell in love with the piano and have been teaching others to play for over 30-years.

Think about what your goals are. Are you simply wanting to learn to play for enjoyment at home or to entertain friends and family? Are you planing on forming or joining a band? Do you want to train to professional standard? Having this clear in your mind will help me as I plan your study course.

5 mins

Meeting your teacher

The first meeting with a student who has never played piano is something very particular and very important because it leaves its mark on the student and teacher. Establishing a good student-teacher relationship is important. I will ask you a few questions that you will have the answers to if you have followed my preparation tips above. I will ask you things like ‘What are the songs you’ve always wanted to play?’, ‘Who are your favourite bands or composers?’ to get a feeling of your influencers and aspirations.

This is also a perfect time for you to ask qestions of me; ‘What will you expect of me as a student?’, ‘What does a typical 2nd, 3rd and later lesson consist of?’, ‘Do I need any books or equipment etc.?’, ‘What happens if I have to rearrange a lesson?’ are the type of thing new students are keen to know.

10 mins

Introduction to the piano

Here I hope to build on your curiosity. You will come in to contact with the piano, hear the sound and get a feel for the keys. I will explain to you all of the elements that make up a piano; where does the sound come from, what causes the sound in the first place, how do the pedals affect the sounds produced and how striking the keys with different pressure affects the sound.

We will then discuss the black and white keys and talk about bass and treble notes.

Once you are familiar with the different parts of the piano, I will play a short piece of music (perhaps one of songs you mentioned as your favourites) and gauge your reaction to the melodies produced. You’ll have read on the About Me page that I have a nice singing voice and we will probably be singing a duet at this stage. Lessons are fun with me as your teacher!

15 mins

Now it’s your turn

The next step is to sit properly in front of the instrument, to adopt proper posture while at the same time remaining comfortable. I will then teach you hand posture, wrist placement and finger curving.

Once you are comfortable I will explain to you where the note middle C is on the keyboard becasue until now the keybaord is something vast and unknown to you. The introduction of middle C is important and I will explain how knowing its postion will help your find your way around the keybord. I will introduce you to finger numbers as these will be used throughout your course both in method books and practial exercises.

With the use of basic, simple rhythms, you will learn about quarter and half notes and be playing your very first piano music.

25 mins

Next Steps

I will recap the lesson we just had and give you an assignment with guidance notes on what you need to practice before your next lesson. There will be short theory assignment on musical notation which will help you in later lessons but mainly you will be practicing the keyboard skills you just learned and repeating your hand and finger placement skills until they start to become second nature to you.

30 mins

Wrap up

At the end of your first lesson I hope you feel enthusiastic and want to explore the world of sounds and very deep feelings to be gaind from playing piano but at the same time you have had an entertaining and enjoyable experience.

Book your first piano lesson today

I hope this has given you a good idea of what to expect during your very first piano lesson. If you would like to make a booking, please use the Book piano lessons page to get in touch.

If you would like to take your very first piano lesson or add to your existing piano education, please book a lesson with me today, you can book online.